Environmental Statement

Donorfy is a cloud software business with clients across the UK and in Europe. The biggest threats to the environment from cloud software industry are:

  • data centres - notorious for contributing what is estimated to be 3,2% of global CO2 emissions by 2025

  • travel - including commuting and travel to on-site meetings

This is how we have mitigated against those threats:

Data centres

Donorfy has been developed for the cloud, and runs more efficiently than older “on-premise” solutions that have simply been hosted in the cloud. So it naturally consumes fewer resources. True multi-tenant cloud solutions like Donorfy are as much as 98% more carbon efficient than on-premise solutions.

But the global cloud platform you choose to host your application also matters. Some are more environmentally responsible than others. Donorfy runs on the Microsoft Azure cloud infrastructure. Already carbon-neutral since 2012, Microsoft is committed to being carbon negative / climate positive by 2030.


We have largely eliminated travel from the business by design. The Donorfy team works entirely from home, with team gatherings a handful of times a year. We have no office, therefore we have completely eliminated the significant carbon cost of commuting.

We strongly advise our clients to conduct meetings with Donorfy online, not only eliminating the carbon cost of travelling to meetings, but also saving time and money. If there is a carbon offset option (eg on air tickets) we take that.
